The Miracle of the Quran

 Allah Ta'ala has taken the responsibility of protecting the Holy Quran.

  From the time of revelation until today, everyone who has tried has met with failure and had to admit that the Qur'an is not a human effort.

 In the year 1977, a Canadian professor, Gary Miller, set out to find an error in the Holy Quran.

 Gary Miller, who taught at the University of Toronto and was also a Christian preacher, believed that finding errors in the Qur'an would help convert Muslims to Christianity.

 After studying the Qur'an, Miller wrote with utmost impartiality,

  After a careful study of the Qur'an, Miller wrote that writing such a text could not be the work of any human being.


 The first thing about the Qur'an that struck Miller was the distinctive style of many of the verses of the holy book.

 For example, the 82nd verse of Surah Al-Nisa, which translates as "Do they not consider the Qur'an?"

 If this (Qur'an) had been the word of someone other than Allah, surely they would have found many mistakes in it.

  And the 23rd verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, which translates as: And if you doubt the Book that We sent down to Our Prophet, then bring a similar Surah to it.

 After researching the Quran, Professor Miller gave a lecture called *The Amazing Quran* in which he said that there is no author in the world who writes a book and then challenges people to come and make mistakes in my book.  Take it out and show it, as it has been said many times in the Holy Quran.

Miller further states that it is very surprising that the verses in the Qur'an that were revealed on the occasion of a defeat or shock to the Muslims, gave the good news of victory, while the verses that were revealed on the occasion of a victory contained pride and arrogance.  It has been warned to avoid and Muslims have been asked for more struggle and sacrifices.

Gary Miller says that if a person writes his own verses, he exaggerates his victories and tries to pretend that defeats are victories.  It is written in the exact opposite style.  The Qur'an does not describe the history of any specific time, but it lays down general laws that determine the nature of the relationship between Allah and His servants.

 It should be noted that Gary Miller started his research on the Holy Quran in 1977 and just one year later in 1978 he accepted Islam and changed his name to Abdul Ahad.  Since then he has devoted his life to the call of Islam.  He preaches Islam to people in TV programs and public lectures.